We will be holding our Annual Meeting of the Parishioners and our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) as part of our 10.30am service of worship on Sunday 28 April. This is an important event in the life of our Church Family involving amongst other things the election of members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and Churchwardens. Churchwardens need to be re-elected each year. Ruth Wheeldon, our current churchwarden is intending to stand again and there is also a vacancy for a second churchwarden. In addition, four members of the PCC have to stand down (and at least one of them, the current treasurer, does not wish to stand again) which means that there is at least one vacancy (and possibly up to four vacancies) for PCC for a three year term and a requirement for a new treasurer. Finally, there is one vacancy for a representative for Deanery Synod for a two year term. There is also the option to be part of the leadership of St Mary’s by joining committees or groups reporting to the PCC.

The documents we’ll be looking at at this meeting are:




If you need a copy printed please let Isobel in the office know.

The PCC is charged with “Promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social, and ecumenical.” As Charity Trustees, PCC members (working with the vicar when there is one) have responsibility for ensuring St Mary’s is well run, is solvent and is delivering on our God given mission. Churchwardens are charged with representing the laity (that’s you) and supporting and encouraging the Vicar, Clergy and PCC. Honestly, it is not as scary as it sounds and is very rewarding.

Please pray and carefully consider if you know anyone (including yourself) who could fill any of these roles. If you wish to find out more, please contact our warden Ruth, the PCC Secretary Wei Hei (weihei.kipling@talktalk.net), or the current treasurer David.